Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Importance of Music - 1896 Words

The Importance of Music Studies show students who are educated in and/or have taken music classes have better performance levels in school, especially in math and reading. Normally, music and art classes aren’t valued as much as core classes corresponding to mathematics, literature, or science. Art and music education prepares students with skills needed in the career field of their choice (Facts 1-3). Music is one of the world’s greatest economic imports, whether it be instruments or songs being bought on iTunes. Music training can improve people’s motor and reasoning skills. Children who have had over three or more years of musical instrument lessons performed better than those who have not in their abilities to determine differences in sounds and in their fine motor skills. The value of music education in children has been studied for decades. Because the early ages of development within a child’s life are the most important, music education has been proven to enhance a child ’s learning ability. Music has a positive influence on behavior, proves better performance in academics and education, and helps with child development. Music can be inspiring to anyone who is willing to lend an ear. It tells a story and evokes emotion from the listener. The two emotions related to music are perceived and felt emotions. Sometimes people may understand the emotions portrayed by a piece of music without actually feeling them, which is why some people enjoy listening to music thatShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Music1195 Words   |  5 Pagesyoung, under 40 and dressed in stylish clothing. As worship begins, the lighting shifts from the blue and purple tones to red for the first song before back to a calming blue. Majority of people stand, often with arms outstretched and swaying to the music. Approximately 50 people go to the front, standing at the foot of the stage to worship. The lighting continued to shift and reflect different parts of the songs lyrics, such as becoming yellow and rippling out over the audience when singing about theRead MoreThe Importance Of Music Education790 Words   |  4 Pagesat a Time Music education is a subject in school that should be essential for all students. If students continued to expand their music education, they would have higher test scores in subjects such as math and English. Having a school system where everyone is able to benefit from a school wide requirement of music education. Music education will help improve student test scores and improve students language development. Students who take music classes have higher test scores. Music education helpsRead MoreThe Importance of Music in Education1426 Words   |  6 PagesDecember 2015 Final Paper The Importance of Music in Education Whether we choose to believe it or not, music is a very present thing in one’s day to day lifestyle. From turning on the radio in the morning, to listening to it while grocery shopping, putting in our headphones while we study, music is always there. Music is also extremely underrated, which is why so many public schools are constantly threatening to take away music programs all the time. But why is music education so vital in the growthRead MoreThe Importance Of Music Education2171 Words   |  9 PagesThe Importance of Music Education Perhaps the largest distinction between humans and all other animals on earth is the ability to both create and appreciate fine art. The musical art form has existed for thousands of years, and has allowed different cultures to express themselves and connect with one another. The most primitive sounds were simply drum hits and clapping, but over time music has grown in sophistication. Now, complicated symphonies can be heard in halls all across the world, with aRead MoreThe Importance Of Data On Music1014 Words   |  5 Pagesselected were females and males and the variable was the amount of songs each gender has saved in their phone. The reason I decided to focus on this topic was because there are many new applications that provide free music therefore, I was curious what gender still had the most music downloaded on their phone. The question I wanted to answer was, â€Å"do females or males have more songs downloaded to their phone†? This project is a random sample becau se I did not know how many songs each gender had onRead MoreThe Importance Of Violent Music805 Words   |  4 PagesViolent music; many people have different opinions about it. Can music create violence or can it not? Is is non harmful or is it destroying the youth of the world? Should it be banned for being violent and provoking violent behavior or it should not? No matter the opinion, recent studies have shown that violent music can create violence. Violence in all types of media can create violence. Music should stop provoking violence with their harmful lyrics. Instead of writing about guns, drugs, alcoholRead MoreThe Importance Of Innovations In Music1027 Words   |  5 PagesSo rather than lamenting the good old days, designers need to embrace the new. There are numerous design-led innovations that look to make music all the more alive and connectable through visual elements. Fast-forward to now, when there isn’t a digital platform that doesn’t get refreshed every minute. Pop stars define themselves via Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat—not to mention their own record or fashion labels. There is no longer a demarcation between backstage, offstage, and center stage, andRead MoreThe Importance Of Rap Music998 Words   |  4 Pageslife has been. However, rap music allows me to escape a harsh life style that has been passed down for generations. Rap music has allowed me to get a feeling of freedom, and rebellion instead, of always being confined by religion. For instance, when I was 12 years old my mom scolded me for turning up the stereo while an Eminem track was playing. She would always preach to my siblings and I about how rap music is nothing but vulgar words coming from a random person. Rap music to her was nothing more toRead MoreThe Importance Of Rap Music1843 Words   |  8 Pagesagainst the law. However, rap music can be a way for someone to release their creative energy and produce great entertainment for listeners. Rap music can help people with depression and relate to the listeners struggle. There is a side of rap that tap into positive means of expression to improve social content and foster beneficial mindsets (â€Å"Putting the Rap into Therapy†). Rap can be a way to free your mind, like when you’re stressed or just having a bad day. Rap music was invented in the 1970s inRead MoreThe Importance of Music In Marketing Techniques699 Words   |  3 PagesMusic has become an important part of the marketing tool’s extent, with the compound usage of TV and radio as the mean of communicating with the consumers. Music can serve universal promotional goals in one or more of several capacities. The classic jingle is the most common musical technique for aiding memorability and thus product recall. Some of the biggest products and companies in the world are successful solely because of the customer satisfaction, this is also because the customers like

Monday, May 18, 2020

Environmental Effects of Fossil Fuels Essay - 801 Words

Environmental Effects of Fossil Fuels Besides food, fossil fuels are our most important resource. According to, there are three major resources. These resources are coal, oil and natural gas. The environmental impact of fossil fuel usage affects us greatly as individuals and as a global community. Coal causes much damage to our environment. Coal extraction is a serious cause of water pollution. Coal is used primarily to produce electricity. Coal releases nitrous oxide when it is burned. Nitrous oxide unfortunately stays in the atmosphere for a long time. Because this is kept in the atmosphere for such a long time it is very difficult to see or predict the harmful effects of this gas. Nearly fifty percent of the†¦show more content†¦According to, ships, barges, trucks, railways, pipelines and super tankers are used to transport oil globally. Often, oil is found far from its needed location. Unfortunately, transportation of oil can often result in great damage to the environment. Seepage from pipelines often destroys much wildlife and animal life. Oil spills are common. One of the most famous oil spills was when the Exxon Valdez super tanker ran aground an Alaskan reef in March of 1989. The spill was highly publicized and many were extremely concerned a bout the long term environmental impact. According to the Exxon Valdez Trustee Council, about eleven million gallons of oil damaged up to 1,300 miles of coastline. Many preventative measures have been taken to avoid such problems in the future. Legislation was passed requiring that all tankers passing through the sound where the spill occurred be double-hulled. Also, the amount of available containment boom in the sound has been greatly increased. The Exxon Valdez Company has been bought out by another company. It is determined that complacency is the greatest cause of oil spills. By taking advantage of opportunities such as enrolling in energy and conservation courses, we can individually do our part to increase our awareness of the consequences which our daily energy usage produce. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel source of energy. TheShow MoreRelated Environmental Effects of Fossil Fuel Exploration and Extraction937 Words   |  4 PagesAs the fossil fuels, such as coal, gas, LPG and coal mixed gas and so on, has been used in the modern production process since the industrial revolution happened, the environment effects of fossil fuels’ exploration and extraction is the biggest concerns for public life. To illustrate this, data collected by Marland, Boden, Andres, Brenkert and Johnston (2003) points out that the fossil fuels industry has caused the release of approximately 337 billion metric tons of carbon to atmosphere since 1751Read More Environmental Impacts of Fossil Fuel Use Essay606 Words   |  3 PagesEnvironmental Impacts of Fossil Fuel Use One of the main issues involved with fossil fuels are the environmental impacts that occur from their use. These problems; such as acid rain, oil spills, climate change, global warming, etc., are not only occurring with fossil fuel usage, but are also increasing due to the increase in the use of fossil fuels. This essay will vaguely explain the area of environmental impacts from fossil fuel use, and will attempt to change, or further increase your understandingRead MoreAlternative Energy Sources Of Fossil Fuels1701 Words   |  7 Pages the world has run on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are critical to global energy infrastructure due to their inherent advantages and generate significant economic value as a result. However, the negative economic and environmental implications of fossil fuels demands a permanent transition towards alternative energy. The world will continue to investigate alternative energy sources and must commit to them to avoid long-term environmental degradation. Ul timately, fossil fuels are on the way out, butRead MoreHow Can The United States Lessen Its Dependence On Fossil Fuels?1302 Words   |  6 PagesHow can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil fuels? Joan Milton Western Governor’s University How can the United States lessen its dependence on fossil fuels? Introduction The U.S obtains more than 84% of its energy from fossil fuels including oil, coal and natural gas. This is because people rely on it to heat their homes, power industries, run vehicles, manufacturing, and provision of electricity. It is apparent that the country’s transportation industry highly depends onRead MoreIssues Of Society : North American Environmental Pollution918 Words   |  4 PagesIssues in Society: North American Environmental Pollution Effects These days, there are up to 500 chemicals in an average human body that were not found in humans before 1920.1 Several forms of environmental pollution have the ability to intoxicate human bodies with unwanted chemicals. Pollution exists when the environment cannot break down or eliminate an object without creating negative effects. Intoxicating bodies is just one of the several harmful effects that pollution has, specifically,Read MoreThe Drilling Of The Oil922 Words   |  4 Pagesis shipped over by large tanker ships (Energy Quest 2012). Petroleum is made into various products such as gasoline/ diesel fuel, home heating oil, fertilizers, and plastic products (Energy Quest 2012). 74 percent of our oil is used for transportation including, trucks, buses, cars, and planes (Energy Quest 2012). Drilling of the oil is a costly process and has severe effects to the environment. Drilling on land requires a lot of space, disturbing the natural animal habitats, while drilling at seaRead Mo reViable Alternative Energy For Replace Fossil Fuels1724 Words   |  7 Pages Viable Alternative Energy to Replace Fossil Fuels Nauman Syed Zia University of Houston Nearly all of the United States production of energy comes from non-renewable sources, also known as fossil fuels. However, the problem with using fossil fuels to satisfy the United States ever-growing demand for power is that they are a limited resource and their production and usage cause a myriad of harmful environmental effects. There are other sources of energy available that do notRead MoreFood For Thought And Fuel For The Future1462 Words   |  6 Pages Food for Thought and Fuel for the Future When a cell phone battery is dying, plugging it in to an electrical outlet will send a flow of electricity to the battery giving it the recharge it needs for full operation. This is a perfunctory process that people do on a daily basis. But how often does anyone really think about how or where that energy source is generated? Or how about the millions of gallons of fuel all over the U.S. being pumped into vehicles to give them power, is the U.S. in jeopardyRead MoreFossil Fuels : The Source Of Energy1709 Words   |  7 Pagessociety fossil fuels are the primary source of energy for most of the industrialized world. Utilizing fossil fuels has been vital to the industrialization development. Throughout industrialization of many parts of the world, energy has been needed at a much higher density then before and fossil fuels have fulfilled that need. Coal, gas, and oil are the three major sources of fossil fuels in the world. Despite other means of energy, such as wind power, hydroelec tric power and so on, fossil fuels are stillRead MoreHow Does Human Activity Make The Greenhouse Effect Worse?993 Words   |  4 PagesGreenhouse Effect How does human activity make the greenhouse effect worse? In now day, almost every country, every people talking about environmental protection problem. One of the biggest part affecting the environmental is greenhouse effect. And the greenhouse effect getting worse that the root cause is ourselves: human activity. In life, some of the small act we never pay attention for that, but that act may be one of the cause to make the greenhouse effect worse. Fist of all, fossil fuels can make

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Andrew Jackson Summary - 779 Words

Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was a great man in many eyes. I will discuss his high and low when he was in his presidency from 1829 -1837. He was known for his iron will and fiery personality, and strong use of the powers of his office. This was probably why people called it the Age of Jackson. Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767. His parent died when he was 14. After he study law in North Carolina, Jackson moved to Nashville, Tennessee. While in Tennessee, he practiced law for another 7 years. Later on, Jackson became a member of a political party led by William Blount. In 1791, Jackson married to Rachel Donelson Robards and married her again in 1794. Jackson serves Congress from December 1796 to late spring 1797. Jackson†¦show more content†¦President Jackson then made a strong foreign policy in which French to pay long-overdue spoliation claims and reopening the British West Indian Trade. Jackson presidency ended in 1837. He then passed his success to his successor James K Polk. Andrew Jackson died in June 8, 1845 on his plantation, the Hermitage, in Nashville Tennessee. In my opinion, Jackson had people qualities which help the citizens of the U.S to be involved with the government. This is probably why Jackson called himself The elected representative of all American people. President Jackson was a great man and will always be great to what he did to shape the UnitedShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The American Lion By Andrew Jackson1295 Words   |  6 PagesAndrew Cabrera Professor Rutledge POL 406 - Analytical Book Report 1 25 September 2017 In the American Lion, Jon Meacham addresses an exciting story of a president who brought change within the United States and did an overhaul of the American presidency. At the heart of the book are Andrew Jackson and his small circle of friends or acquaintances . Essentially, the book is about a man who rose from nothing to establish the modern presidency. Andrew Jackson struggled at a young age, and earnedRead MoreAndrew Jackson Indian Removeal Policy Essay1197 Words   |  5 PagesWas Andrew Jacksons Indian Removal Policy Motivated by Humanitarian Impulses? Authors: Anthony F. C. Wallace, Robert V. Remini, A Summary By: History 2111 Summer 2011 A summary comparison of views regarding the Indian Removal Act of 1830, Was it an act of humanitarianism intended to help and save the Native American culture from the white settlers, as Robert V. Remini has argued? Or was his intent to destroy the tribal culture and to get rid of the Native Americans, as Anthony F.C WallaceRead MoreAnalysis Of Andrew Jackson s The White House Essay2607 Words   |  11 PagesAndrew Jackson once said, â€Å"Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.† Andrew Jackson was an individual who was filled with integrity, grit, determination, and other values that encompass a good leader. The chosen book about this man is titled American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House. The creator of this Pulitzer Prize winning novel would be Jon Meacham. The Chattanooga born author graduated at The University of the South in Sewanee, TennesseeRead More Andrew Jackson Essay3457 Words   |  14 Pages Andrew Jacks on Book Summary/Contents Andrew Jackson, in the authors words, was quot;mild, polite, polished, benevolent, and democratic.quot; It would not be in anyones favor to question the validity of the his words, but to understand them with unrestrained faith in those words will help to insure complete insight into the book. Moreover, this book stresses the immortal fact that Jacksons private life had as much irony and agony as his political/outside life did. With those factors understoodRead More Cherokee Phoenix Essay1581 Words   |  7 PagesCherokee Phoenix In the early nineteenth century during the presidency of Andrew Jackson and the debate of the Indian Removal Bill came one of the most important accomplishments of the Cherokee Nation, their own newspaper written in their own language. This experiment in Indian journalism began on February 21, 1828 in the Cherokee capital of New Echota. The paper employed a minimum staff of three to four people throughout its duration, often dismissing and rehiring printers. However, theRead MoreAndrew Jackson And Robert Matthews1411 Words   |  6 PagesThe Making of a Man in the 19th Century Misfortune often contributes to the making of a man. In the cases of Andrew Jackson and Robert Matthews, this is especially true. Both men were orphaned at a young age and both took very different paths that made history. Andrew Jackson grew stronger and became an influential president. He brought the nation together after the Revolution and the War of 1812 and restored it to a state of economic stability. Robert Matthews created a cult-like religion and ruledRead MoreEudora Welty s A Worn Path956 Words   |  4 Pagesinteresting article â€Å"’A Worn Path’ The Eternal Quest of Welty’s Phoenix Jackson† (The Southern Literary Journal 25.1, Fall 1992: p62-73.) that not only analyzed Eudora Welty’s â€Å"A Worn Path† (The Collected Works of Eudora Welty) from his perspective but also included the perspectives of other authors which makes his article an excellent source for interpretations of ‘A Worn Path’. Summary Saunders article summarizes Phoenix Jackson as a symbol of the Christian religion and articulates the interpretationRead MoreWhat Does Sequoyah s Life Story Tell You About Him And The Cherokee People? Essay995 Words   |  4 Pages25: A Time to Weep Summary: Contrary to Indians’ wishes and U.S. law, one Indian nation after another was moved west. Andrew Jackson, with popular opinion behind him, ruled the day. Vocabulary Trail of Tears - The route which several tribes of Native Americans were forced to walk, they didn’t want to leave their homes so they shed many tears Questions 4. Why is Worchester v. Georgia an important case? The Worchester v. Georgia is an important case because, President Jackson violated the courtRead MoreU.s. Government Bullying The Native Americans994 Words   |  4 PagesAmericans lands and they were unwavering in their attempts to steal it. Andrew Jackson was a long time supporter of the removal of Native Americans. As an army general, he was part of several ruthless movements against Native American tribes that caused several hundred thousand acres of land to be given to white farmers. When Jackson became president, he continued his fight to take native American lands. In May of 1830 president Jackson signed a new law called the Indian Removal Act. It authorized â€Å"theRead MoreAircraft Scheduling and Fleet Management1388 Words   |  6 PagesPerspective. 7th ed. England: Ashgate, 2011. Print. Cherwenka, Andrew. (2013, May). Delta Air Lines Marketing VP’s Advice: Innovate and Explore. Huff Post. Retrieved from Hartsfield –Jackson Atlanta International Airport (n.d.). ATL Fact Sheet. Retrieved from Hartsfield –Jackson Atlanta International Airport (n.d.). Case Study. Airport Master

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The First Ever Demonstration Of Artificial Embryo Twinning

Cloning is the process by which a genetically identical copy of an organism has naturally occurred or been created in a laboratory. A process of cloning can be completed on a wide range of biological materials, including genes, tissues, cells and entire organisms (Genetics Generation, 2015). The first-ever demonstration of artificial embryo twinning was accomplished on a sea urchin by Hans Adolf Eduard Driesch in 1885 (Oppenheimer, 2016), yet the most significant cloning example was attained in 1996, where ‘Dolly the sheep’, the first mammal clone was created by somatic cell nuclear transfer by Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell (University of Utah, 2016). In 2002, the Council of Australian Governments agreed to ban human cloning and other unacceptable practices and regulate research involving excess assisted reproductive technology embryos. Cloning was banned in response to community concerns, including ethicality of the uses of human embryos. Changes to this legislation cam e into effect in 2007, to allow therapeutic cloning due to the increase in research from other countries (National Health Medical Research Council - Australian Government, 2015). However, in contrast to humans, animals have always been legally allowed to be cloned unethically and sold for their meat, as long as the meat complies with the food safety conditions and regulations of the world (Kelly L., 2005). Cloning is a contentious topic with multiple ambiguous viewpoints which can be discovered and observedShow MoreRelatedThe Human Genome By Ridley1617 Words   |  7 Pagesreader engaged and waiting to learn what comes next. Though he covers so many different topics within this novel, some of the most paramount topics would be those of the origins of life, the studies and findings of Gregor Mendel and the controversial, ever changing, and much-debated world of cloning. To begin this story of the genome, Ridley discussed the very origins of life on Earth. He began this discussion with the explanation of the Last Universal Common Ancestor, also known as Luca. Luca, â€Å"lookedRead MoreThe Controversy Of Cloning And Genetic Engineering Essay2004 Words   |  9 Pagesand Nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make ourselves what we want to be†¦ Let the sky and God be our limit and Eternity our measurement – Marcus Garvey (1887-1940). Cloning and genetically modifying humans is now more attainable than ever due to strides made by science. With a relatively short history, cloning and genetic engineering have been a new concept for many people in society with the first proof of cloning being dolly the sheep, the first successful

Critique Of The Constancy Upon Women At The Time in...

Critique Of The Constancy Upon Women At The Time in William Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice In the merchant of Venice Shakespeare has presented three main women characters. These three characters are, Portia, Jessica and Nerissa. Each of these characters come with a different area of society. Women in the time this was set, were not aloud to do anything. They were treated badly, and couldnt chose there own decisions. Shakespeare has made this play to show people in those days what it would be like if women had control of themselves. Shakespeare has made the portrayal of women in this play very different compared to other plays. He has made the women just like men and as well of having control of†¦show more content†¦For women in this period of time I think that this is very unusual, as she is able to tern a situation in favor of Antonio, to save his life when none of the men could. Again in Act 4 scene 2 it shows how stubborn and cunning she can be. Portia who is married to Bassanio, who has just saved Antonios life, is trying to test his love towards her by ask ing for his ring. At the start of the scene he wouldnt give her the ring but as is shows she made him do it. And if your wife not be a mad women, and know how well I have diservd this ring, she would not hold out enemy for ever for giving it to me. I think the way she used her use of language talking to Bassanio was very unusual. This is because she makes it sound very encouraging, and makes it sound like a test of love. Portia uses her wit to convince Bassanio to surrender the ring that he vowed that he would never part with. Although Portia is kind, and innocent, she is very stubborn even towards her husband and she sticks to what she wants. Shakespeare has made Portia triumphant over men. Whose beauty, intelligence, quick wit and high moral stand out. She is known throughout the world for her beauty, and she is able to handle any situation with her sharp wit. Nerissa is a sweet, simple woman who helps Portia with all of her needs. Nerissa is not just a maid towards Portia, she is a friend and an

Business Analysis Case Study Human Resources

Question: Discuss about the Business Analysis Case Study for Human Resources. Answer: Introduction The Griffith University is a large scale university with more than forty five thousand students and more than four thousand administrative staff. The huge number of students includes the local students as well as overseas students. The introduction of the new teaching methods like cloud teaching, BYOD and other systems like the six week teaching periods are some recent changes that have created a different state for the University administration. For a large scale university like the Griffith University the handling of the operations and allotting proper human resources is surely a large scale task. One of the main issues faced while compiling this report is that there is a lack of information and cost specifications that were unavailable while compiling the report. Even though there is a huge number of administrative staff, teachers and guest lecturers, teaching multiple topics in five campuses of the University, there is a need for better management of operations and funds(Charline , 2011). In this report, we shall evaluate the relationship between the operational costs of the University of Griffith and the effective evaluation of the Human Resource of the university. The following report shall the scope and the methods of the relationship of the operational cost and the human resource usage in the context of the new evaluation process. Identification of the Business Problem and Need Problem generation The problem of a large scale university like the Griffith University is that it requires proper guidance to utilize and maintain its operations properly. More than four thousand people are engaged in the operations of the University housing more than forty five thousand students. There are multiple subjects being taught and there is a huge amount of money being used for administrative purposes, which surely brings up the problems of administration. The operational management also includes using the existing human resource management easily and effectively, for which there is a need for cost specific operational management. Human resource management in an Educational institution is an important aspect of its operations. Their job is to maintain the standards of the university improve it and give motivation to students and teachers to motivate themselves. With a huge number of students and the quite large group of administration staff, it becomes a tough task for the Human resource tea m to consider the effective human resource management(Dr.Sharma, 2015). Business Problem and opportunity The BABOK analysis system provides ample techniques to identify and analyses the businesss needs. There is therefore ample scope for the Griffith University to examine and understand the changes and updates. The main techniques mentioned in the V3 of the BABOK guide are Business Capabilities Analysis, Concept Modeling, Decision Analysis, Estimation, Financial Analysis, SWOT analysis, process analyzing and many more. The need for proper human resource management and operational manage is a necessity at the Griffith University(Brennan, 2009). The stakeholder of the Griffith University, the investors, the students, the administrators, the government and the local administrator all play an important part in creating the perfect solution for the pave been problems highlighted in the previous section. Business analysis suggests that students are met with a change in how they study as well as their evaluation. The new introduction of the three semester rule has also made students feel challenged at the university, the changes in the mode and style of study are affecting are affecting students as well as teachers who teach them. Business Goals and Objectives The Business goals and objectives of the Griffith University are varied as their main aim is to create education and disperse them within students. But to effectively create better students and deliver good education there is a need for good educators. The retaining of good educators and the administration process surely can be said as an important part of the goals and objectives of the study. The business goals as observed for the University of Griffith is it create educational opportunities for students in various disciples who are competitive and are employable. The Griffith University ensures that all students are capable and are educationally qualified to enter the university their main aim being to cater to the needs of the students who deserve the education(Mushtaq, 2012). To fulfill the desired goal another one has to be realized, which include as the joining and retaining of qualified educators and staff that are able to handle the needs of the students and offer them great education. The new evaluation scheme and the new system of six week study plan is designed to increase the potential of the students who are usually too much burdened with education. The recent change in the system of education ensures that the students understand the timeframes they are allocated for each session, and also get a good idea of how to prepare themselves within the stipulated time. The best part is that the new system creates a systematic evaluation system, which makes the Griffith University one of the leading Universities in Australia(Khan, 2015). Business Problem The Griffith University also faces a number of business problems and opportunities within itself. The current scheme of education was quite boring and was too much traditional. With the introduction of the new cloud based teaching and learning programs, now students can learn and get education at any time. The new revolution in education at Griffith University, cloud study programs are enabling students to take their learning process a step ahead and create something of the future. But still without the proper use of Human resources there is a lack of people who understand how to use these valuable techniques(Roberts, 2011). Desired Outcome The Human resource team is expected to help solve the problem of poor human resource planning and execution. The human resource team, is required to provide solution to create the best possible plan to make the students find their education shave not been proven helpful for the company who can tem a proper system and help administrators manage the system better. This is the proper method to reduce the operational cost, by letting go of assets and people who have not been found to be beneficial for the company(Ali, 2009). Stakeholder Analysis Attitude The objective of the stakeholder analysis for any company is to find out the effects that are expected to be seen by them following a change in processes of the business or other change. The different concept of education created a truffle between the ideal methods of teaching in Griffith University. The need for the stakeholder analysis is important as it provides the method for businesses to understand and work towards addressing the different needs of the company. The students who were the most affected by the change in the curriculum, examination pattern and the teaching methods are undergoing change, the change in how students study has become an important part of modern study in Griffith University. The new evaluation system challenges the existing methodology of education at the university(MariĆ¡, 2013). Stakeholder Details The new system of six week study periods provide students with ample time to study properly and even make them have a proper planned way of learning. The proper planning and analysis is followed by the proper Requirement management part where the various changes and its effects are weighted and the nest way for fulfilling the required needs is evaluated. Once the analysis is completed the best way to fulfill the needs is documented. Plans are create and evaluated for prospective results. There has been a change of evaluation process as well as the study pattern for students at the Griffith University. This change in evaluation and study process has created many changes in the operational method of the university. There is a change in how teachers teach and how students are expected to be evaluated. The use of cloud based education makes it easy for students to reach out to their study materials, course books, as well as other study information and resources through the internet. The change of education system has been adopted by multiple universities and it is important for the university to understand the different requirements of the students. These include new systems and techniques of teaching, new study materials and evaluation system which will be used(Bryson, 2011). Technique Since the BABOK is a collection of knowledge, as well as activities and tasks that are relevant to the study we shall consider them in our report and use the techniques and systems to evaluate the case study in question. The main method of the analysis of a business is currently the different methods mentioned in the BABOK. There are different methods mentioned. For an educational institute such as the Griffith University it is necessary(Reed, 2011) It will be analyzed throughout the report that the new evaluation and study system of Six week Study period and the introduction of the new and developed system of study like cloud computing etc. have had a distinct impact on the operation and human resource management of the Griffith University. The University has created methods that can implement the new techniques of studying in an era that is connected digitally throughout the world. The open connectedness has created ample scope for the University of Griffith to use it to their potential. The requirement is to use financial analysis and brainstorming new ideas to implement the cloud computing better into the curriculum. The use of proper organizational modeling will allow the Griffith University to create an organizational model that can handle these changes in methods and evaluation systems. The main stakeholders in the case study of the Griffith University are the teachers, administrative staff and the students who create the better evaluation process for the universitys proper setup. The BABOK is a technical system which provides analytical processes and techniques by which a business can analyses its activities and position and help themselves find a dedicated solution(Graves, 2014). Complexity The main hindrances in the implementation of proper techniques of the BABOK system is definitely the complexity of stakeholder group which creates the possibilities of different proposals and different outcomes. Not all stakeholders hold the same value or importance but for most stakeholders, they are the source of new ideas and are to be protected through proper planning and management. The attitude and influence of the stakeholders also matter in the education system and large scale education industry like Griffith University. The classified and extended knowledge of the stakeholders are necessary for the proper evaluation of the stakeholder details. There are a number of relationships between the stakeholders and their attributes which include the following- The role of the stakeholder in the company, the status of the stakeholder in the company, the interest and influence level of a stakeholder is also an important aspect to consider while creating solutions. The main aim is to c reate a Stakeholder management which ensures that no stakeholders interests are hampered. Here the stakeholders being the administrators and the students, there is a need for creating a management plan that does not endanger the interest of both the sections. The stakeholders are to be evaluated using the BABOK techniques which include the proper document analysis., Brainstorming for new ideas is also a new technique through which businesses like the Griffith university can attain a status of equilibrium. The demands of the stakeholders and the proposed action from the university can be properly evaluated using better Stakeholder Analysis method mentioned under BABOK(Dandy, 2009). The Griffith University has a varied number of courses to offer these include business and government studies. There are other interesting topics as well, for example studies and course which deal with criminology. This is included with various degrees like law. There are many coursed on education industry. Engineering and information technology remains as one of the most popular courses at the Griffith University. Other courses that are significant include- studies related to environment, the courses of planning and architecture. A few of the popular course are humanities and languages health, aviation and many more(Posthumus, 2010). There are various documents that illustrate the new model of evaluation as well as the new six week study plans applicable for students on their website. The various techniques of analysis and thinking of proper solutions which include document analysis, the process of brainstorming, interviewing prospective candidates for administrative, educational purposes as well as evaluate the potential of students toy understand the requirements and solutions required for a proper evaluation of the case study(Morris, 2010). Approach to Requirements Management The students of the Griffith University require proper guidance and a proper requirement analysis and proper management of the requirements. The main issue here is definitely the lack of proper business analysis. The Griffith University has ample number of administrative staff and an even larger fleet of tech savvy students but the lack of creating a bridge between the requirement and the solutions, valuable time, efforts and resources are being used up. The new six week study plans as well as the new evaluation models are all new changes to existing system of education, evaluation and management. The process of Requirement Management ensures that the management is able to trace the requirements and make possible changes in the existing system or software for creating and tracing the changes in the management system. The requirement is also to understand the scope or opportunity of the system, viz., the new evaluation system and six week study plans. Also another need is required to be fulfilled for successful management facilities and the ease of communication among peers, administration and students. This makes it essential for the new cloud based education system to be a successful venture since students will use it to access and retrieve information on the go, throughout the day(Heijer, 2011). Solution Scope and Business Case Solution Scope There are multiple solutions for the problems faced by students and administrators as well as human resource management team. The main reason for this is that there is very poor panning for management of different sections of the university operations. The management team is hardly effective in creating a proper and working plan to manage the administrators. The main problem as explained by the teachers and staff at the University of Griffith is the lack of proper processes and also a lack of proper knowledge among students, stakeholders, teacher and administrative staff. The lack of communication within two systems is also an important aspect to judge. The BABOK suggests the different processes to ensure that all stakeholders can see their requirements being handled with care and that the requirements are illustrated to stakeholders individually(Oakley, 2015). Business Case Students are requiring special focus on study due to the change of their study plans. With the six week old study plan, students now can complete a section of their study without being pressurized by the other parts. The integration of modules and systems are easier with the cloud based study and the six week long evaluation. The new study plan also provides ample scope for the teachers to evaluate whether a student has really grasped a subject. Since the new evaluation process focuses on the depth of knowledge, the ease of use. The operational cost for the Griffith University is a major factor in how the new system of evaluation is created and implemented. Students are required to study six weeks and attend the workshops, seminars, and lectures, classes to be able to complete their assessment and get their credits(Felder, 2011). The technology savvy teachers and students are making the education system easy with the use of cloud computing facilities. This is a reason why it can now be said that even though the students still have to study religiously and have to come up with the pressure of assignment submissions, the process has been made easier. The management is now able to make use of proper human resources, earlier when the human resources section ere underdeveloped, it was not possible for students to find their study pattern easy, it used to be monotonous, now it has been turned dynamic(Brent, 2004). The Griffith University being the home to about 40000 students needs proper management and human resource planning to effectively create a better educational institute. Since the institute has already established itself as a renowned institute, the next step for the management and the Human resource management team would be to revise and re construct the operational methods, revise the operational cost an d reduce excessive costs. These can be illustrated as handing out paper notes, for which cloud based library or learning system can be introduced. Also to reduce the amount of examinations and also reduce the amount of resources spent on examinations and evaluation process, the six week long learning period is the ideal solution. This system is beneficial, since it reduces the amount of examinations being conducted and also provided the students with time to prepare(Elhajj, 2004). Requirements Analysis There are multiple reasons why there is a need for the Business requirements evaluation in the case of Griffith University. The business requirements as illustrated in the earlier section of this report states that the University has a large number of students, as well as a growing number of administrative people, even though there are a lack of proper guidance . The University surely lags in the implications and starting of new and modern teaching and evaluation systems. The major business requirements of the University of Griffith are the availability of proper methods of teaching. When the world is adopting the cloud based learning, Griffith University should start their own cloud based learning service. In A vital part of the Business Capabilities Analysis is done during the BABOK, where the company analyses the capabilities and the business prospects of a company ; Another step is the Concept Modeling step, when the people finalizing they create the concept and strive towards fu lfilling them. Another step is the financial analysis. Where the proper financial estimation for the project is estimated the process analysis step analyses the various steps or the process required to improve students education as well as implement the new techniques of evaluation and teaching. Other significant part in the business requirement solution includes, making estimation, creating and evaluating SWOT analysis and more. The financial decisions of the University of Griffith should only be taken by proper authority(Topno, 2012). Stakeholders are considered to be an important part of the Existence and the operation of any business entity. BABOK describes the Stakeholder Concerns and describes how the stakeholders assuming and their ease of creating a unique case of business affects the effective way. Stakeholder concerns are quite a few and it would be tough it simply make a jest of them. The most common and the most Important of the one are the organizational cultures as well as the employees and workers readiness to accept any challenge. They also concern is the assumptions which have already made an important over the way the organization works. The risks are also to be carefully evaluated on all sectors which contain the number and percentage of risks and problems that might occur. Also the need of the hour is to segregate the whole project into small parts for quickly accessing the information, getting better protection, since taking small sections also reduce the scope for errors. The requirements and a ssessing the requirement is a tough job which requires the careful evaluation of the processes(Firesmith, 2005).that the Stakeholders, students and administrators do not feel uneasy. There are a variety of functional requirements that are relevant to the aforementioned case. A few of these are highlighted as authorization of information and levels of information, rules of business, auditing , requirements for the certification purpose, even authentication for students who are enrolling into the various courses are a necessity. All of these register as functional requirements. The Griffith University has a large scale requirement of the functional part. Since being an educational institute, there is a process already in effect to authorize and authenticate the students. Also the reporting status and requirements are also measured and controlled for safety. The way the University handles legal regularities is also an important part of the Functional Requirements of the University. Wit h a large group of students to handle, it is important that ideal processes are in action and proper reports are created for the same reason of authentication and authorization. The functional section handles how a certain section or process should work or have certain features. This section can include the necessary features that need to be included in the new Cloud based learning system and hold the key to the development of the external interface for learning(Staaden, 2012). Nonfunctional requirements are simpler to understand, they simply provide the information on how certain systems and processes should perform their designated function. Also the limitations and bindings of a process are illustrated through the nonfunctional part. The nonfunctional section of the process of providing cloud based all day long education will be required to be evaluated on many different grounds. These grounds are the capacity of the system to provide the students with the information or knowledge they require. The system will also be evaluated, based on the ability to recover and maintain its database. The security of data and ease of the service will also be a deciding factor. The students should also be able to recover a good volume of information and get the information they need at their fingertips, so a system of good volume is required with good capacity to perform in the right way. Regulations and integrity are important aspects of the Nonfunctional requirements. The evaluation system should also have certain qualities that help the user create better connection with the correction process. The best way to achieve this is to create a system that would be readily available but should be able to complete necessary functions. The system should be easy to handle pressure, be easy environment for the students(Hojaji, 2012). Process analysis and financial planning is an aspect of the management of the Griffith University. With many stakeholders suggesting a variety of solutions it is quite impossible for a person to compare each and every factor of the case. The BABOK suggests a systematic plan for the development of a great business process. The first step mentioned requires, planning as well as monitoring by the businesss representatives and analysts. The next step is to include the stakeholders who would also be a part of the journey. The following steps for the business process analysis includes the collaborations, creation of the life cycle of the requirement and the proper management processes, creating strategies for the requirements at hand- viz. the requirement of a cloud based education system as well as the development of the new evaluation system. The other steps are the following: The step to analyze requirements and the specifications of designs that are necessary. After the designs are cre ated there are scope for creating solutions for different challenges in design, strategies etc. Finally it would be easy to say that development of the requirements is the most important step in the process analysis. The process of providing cloud based information and study material should be made easy so that even technologically challenged students and teachers can access it(Ashman, 2008). Conclusion The most important points discussed in the above report for the University of Griffith are the different aspects of the business management and student administrative staff management. Through the use of better and effective human resource plans, that is possible and easy to achieve. Throughout the report the need for the necessary planning and the solutions for these problems have been highlighted. We also have explored possible reasons for conflict in interest and solutions to their problems. Finding the right way to effectively reduce the problems in implementing the new study plans and examination are important. References Ali, N. (2009). The Factors Influencing Students Performance at Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah. Canadian Research Development Center of Sciences and Cultures. Ashman, K. K. (2008). Understanding Generalist Practice. Cengage Learning. Brennan, K. (2009). A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledger. International Institute of Business Analysis. Brent, R. (2004). Turning Student Groups into Effective Teams. Education Designs, Inc. Bryson, J. M. (2011). Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Techniques. University of Minnesota. Charline, A. (2011). Griffith University. Onym Press. Dandy, N. (2009). Whos in and why? A typology of stakeholder analysis methods for natural. Journal of Environmental Management. Dr.Sharma, P. (2015). The Future of Business Education Post the GFC. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 5-10. Elhajj, I. (2004). Turning Student Groups into Effective Teams. Oakland University. Felder, R. M. (2011). Turning Student Groups into Effective Teams. Journal of Education Management. Firesmith, D. (2005). Quality Requirements Checklist . JOURNAL OF OBJECT TECHNOLOGY, 1-8. Graves, A. (2014). Stakeholder analysis in college. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Recruitment Strategy OF TechnologyOne Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Recruitment Strategy OF TechnologyOne. Answer: Introduction Recruitment is a complex process that includes various tactics and strategies to hire the best talents for the organization. The process of recruitment incorporates the entire process of sourcing, selecting, and on-boarding employees to an organization, which is a task looked after by the Human Resource Management of the organistion. The report focuses on addressing current issues faced by various organizations in their recruitment process. Attention would be given on TechnologyOne, which is the largest Australian owned enterprise software developer ( 2017). The report identifies the several challenges that are present in the organization for the process of recruitment fresh talents. A strategic suggestion is also provided at the end of the report. Identification of the issues in the process contributes in formation of the first part of the report. The later part discusses the effective strategies incorporated by several organizations to improve their recruitment process. A suggestion for the company is made based on this discussion. The report is prepared on the secondary research and several peer reviewed articles are used in the process of the preparation. Several books, articles and company portals are also taken along side with the peer reviewed article for gaining knowledge about the current situation of the organization. Issues in Recruitment Process The companies around the industries are undergoing a number of strategic issues in the process of recruitment at present time. Placing an advertisement in the paper or social media is not enough to these days. It requires a lot more active involvement in the process to fill the positions in the organization. The challenges can be like balancing speed and quality, out-dated recruitment strategies, problem with retention, overwhelming the recruitment system, limited resources, war for talent, competition from startups, and potential lack of effective recruiters, labour supply and demand, organizational image and demographic issues (Buller McEvoy, 2012). However, the significant issues that are common and related to the selected organization are presented in the report. Labour Supply or Demand The demand and supply of specific set of skills in the labour market is an issue industries are going through. The demand of the skilled labour is high compared to the supply that created a shortage of workforce in the market. Companies require advanced recruitment strategies to cope with the situation of shortage of labour (Moriartyet al., 2012). Current Australian technology market is facing similar situation, as the demand for programmers and financial analysts is higher than the supply. Even though the supply is moderate, but skills are not fulfilled which results in rejection of the candidates. Organisational Image A variety of research shows that organizational image can provide a sustainable source of competitive advantage by attracting high-potential applicants. According to Van Hoye et al., (2013), image of the organization is the first thing the job seekers looks for while reviewing the job advertisement. Scholars over time have identified factors such as size, media exposure and type of the industry that highly influence the organizations image (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 013). The advertisement of financial performance is a major contributor in this field. Several studies conceptualized that the job seekers develops a minimal level of attraction to an organization from the advertisement of the job. TechnologyOne is directing their recruitment process toward a new approach of advertisement. They are now working closely with the Australian universities and refocusing its skills to regulate the recruitment process more effectively. Demographic Issues Australias growth in working age population has imposed potential challenge for finding job in the Australian market. On contrary for the recruiter, they have a wide range of options for recruiting employees with potential skills required for filling their positions. There is a tension in the market for finding candidates with potential talents out of this mass. Technological firms face greater challenge in this aspect as the number of skilled technical candidates is low in number (Renwick, Redman Maguire, 2013). Hence, company like TechnologyOne needs more effective recruitment strategy for succeeding to hire effective candidates for their posts. There are multiple dimensions in this issue that needs consideration. They are mentioned below. Ageing Workforce The men and women in Australia are spending more time in formal education that reduces the time involved in the workplace. This is resulting into the aging of the workforce in the industry. The age at the time of employment is increasing which is affecting their employability in the firm. Moreover,, the firm needs to replace their workers in short period dor the similar reason . Hence, the time of employment has considerably reduced over time. Generation Due to the expansion in the formal education duration, the fresher group is becoming considerably aged and the gap between the generations of workers is reducing. The current generation of the working force higher than the other countries. This can create a dilemma in an organization like TechnologyOne as it seeks to enter the global market. The difference between the generation of the Australian and overseas workforce of the company is higher that poses considerable threat to the company in the work efficiency. Diversity Diversity in workplace can prove to be an advantage for the organization as it will result in outcome of diversified ideas to improve the efficiency. However, problem in recruiting a diversified workforce comes along with the advantage (Armstrong, Taylor, 2014). Different recruitment strategy needs to be implemented for recruiting a diversified workforce. Hence, a multi-layered recruitment strategy is required for hiring a diversified workforce in TechnologyOne as it seeks to start its venture overseas. War for talent There was a time when the market was full of skillful workers and there was no competition in the part of the recruiters to rush for the best employee in the market. However, the scenario has considerably changed. It is now a war to recruit the top performer available in the market. The technological sector faces higher challenge as the number of programmer is low than the demand (Elving et al., 2013). Limited Resources Every organization has a pay structure for their employees. They are bounded by the structure that could not be increased above a certain limit. However, the increased demand in talent leads the employees to bargain over salary. This is a serious issue the technological sector needs to resolve. They have to structure their recruitment process in such a way that the candidates cannot bargain for increment of the proposed salary. Moreover, the company can offer facilities for the candidate which can make up for the reduced salary offered. Recruitment Strategy The best way to get the candidates visit the posted job is the implementation of creative recruiting strategy. This will also contribute to increase the pace of the selection procedure, consistency and effortless. Different organization selects different recruitment strategies in the process, whereas, many implements multiple strategies to get a refined benefit (Greenidge et al., 2012). Some of them are discussed below and related with TechnologyOne for improving their recruitment strategy. Employer Branding This is the promotion of the perception held by the organizations present employees and the major stakeholders. The concept is based on how they view the organization ranging from how the organization conduct in the marketplace through to what is their experience working in the organization (Van Hoye et al., 2013). A proper recruiter branding can position the organization as a good employer and a great place to work at and can, as a result, help with recruitment, retention and generally affect market perception of the company. It is about the effectiveness in communicating the companys values, culture and personality to create the desired perception among the job seekers (Leekha Chhabra Sharma, 2014). It also explores every aspect of the organizations employment starting from training and development, support networks, development of career paths and incentives and benefits, rights through to their way out of the organization and beyond (Sivertzen, Nilsen Olafsen, 2013). Some consi derations are essential for developing the employer brand. The process involves, attracting new talent, interviewing and on-boarding, retaining the best talent, leaving on a good note and many more. It will surely develop the image of TechnologyOne as a multinational company in the Australian market (Brewster et al., 2016). Types of Advertising Job advertisement is the most common type of recruitment for any organization. Organization communicates their vacancy through many modes of advertisement. The focus of the company is to place their advertisement in particular places to attract particular experts to fill the proposed vacancy of the organization (Daley, 2012). For example, in case of TechnologyOne, they need to advertise in specific trade publications and websites with high traffic rates. The content of the advertisement includes interview location, job title, description, compensation package, and instruction on how to apply for the advertised position. The advertising is of various types. They are: Traditional job posting on a job board Traditional job posting on a corporate website Gated job opportunity Targeted ad that points to a specific job posting Targeted ad that points to a website Non specific job ads Referenced job ads Unsolicited email delivery of a job ad Job ads couched in social media. Recommendation and Conclusion The report identifies various issues that are face by organization in their recruitment process in the present Australian market. Various parameters are involved in the process. The important ones that are frequently seen in the process are mentioned in the report. The analysis of the issues shows that different external influences plays active role in modification of the issues. Supply and demand of workers, and organisational image are two most important challenge faced by the companies. Appearance of these issues are more in number for the technological industry and multinational companies. While relating the issues with TechnologyOne, it evidences occurrence of similar problem as faced by other technological firms. Other variant issues that have been mention in the report are war for talent, demographic issues, and limited resources. The company under has already implemented strategies to tackle some of the issues like organizational issue. As mentioned in the discussion, targeti ng the educational institutes for creating their image is giving the company positive feedback. However, the rest are yet to be addressed. Some recommendations are made for the company such as, implementation of employer branding and advertising which shows a positive result for the organization. Branding of the company will allow the candidate to explore the work environment of organization and the benefits provided to the employees working there. The job satisfaction of the present employees will attract the candidates and increase their interest to go for the company. This is important to demonstrate the advantages to the candidates and lure them for considering the position offered by the company. On the other hand, various types of advertising is also discussed in the report that can benefit the organization to improve their recruitment process. It could be evidence from the report that the technological firms can implement a number of advertisement process and other industries for the promotion of the jobs offered. However, the company has to choose the best medium for gaining better response as it varies from industry to industry. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014).Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Buller, P. F., McEvoy, G. M. (2012). Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight.Human resource management review,22(1), 43-56. Daley, D. M. (2012). Strategic human resources management.Public Personnel Management, 120-125. Elving, W. J., Westhoff, J. J., Meeusen, K., Schoonderbeek, J. W. (2013). The war for talent? The relevance of employer branding in job advertisements for becoming an employer of choice.Journal of Brand Management,20(5), 355-373. Greenidge, D., Alleyne, P., Parris, B., Grant, S. (2012). A comparative study of recruitment and training practices between small and large businesses in an emerging market economy: The case of Barbados.Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,19(1), 164-182. Leekha Chhabra, N., Sharma, S. (2014). Employer branding: strategy for improving employer attractiveness.International Journal of Organizational Analysis,22(1), 48-60. Brewster, C., Houldsworth, E., Sparrow, P., Vernon, G. (2016).International human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers. Moriarty, E., Wickham, J., Krings, T., Salamonska, J., Bobek, A. (2012). Taking on almost everyone?Migrant and employer recruitment strategies in a booming labour market.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,23(9), 1871-1887. Renwick, D. W., Redman, T., Maguire, S. (2013). Green human resource management: A review and research agenda.International Journal of Management Reviews,15(1), 1-14. Sivertzen, A. M., Nilsen, E. R., Olafsen, A. H. (2013). Employer branding: employer attractiveness and the use of social media.Journal of Product Brand Management,22(7), 473-483. (2017). TechnologyOne. Retrieved 25 September 2017, from Van Hoye, G., Bas, T., Cromheecke, S., Lievens, F. (2013). The instrumental and symbolic dimensions of organisations' image as an employer: A large?scale field study on employer branding in Turkey.Applied Psychology,62(4), 543-557.