Thursday, May 14, 2020

Andrew Jackson Summary - 779 Words

Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was a great man in many eyes. I will discuss his high and low when he was in his presidency from 1829 -1837. He was known for his iron will and fiery personality, and strong use of the powers of his office. This was probably why people called it the Age of Jackson. Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767. His parent died when he was 14. After he study law in North Carolina, Jackson moved to Nashville, Tennessee. While in Tennessee, he practiced law for another 7 years. Later on, Jackson became a member of a political party led by William Blount. In 1791, Jackson married to Rachel Donelson Robards and married her again in 1794. Jackson serves Congress from December 1796 to late spring 1797. Jackson†¦show more content†¦President Jackson then made a strong foreign policy in which French to pay long-overdue spoliation claims and reopening the British West Indian Trade. Jackson presidency ended in 1837. He then passed his success to his successor James K Polk. Andrew Jackson died in June 8, 1845 on his plantation, the Hermitage, in Nashville Tennessee. In my opinion, Jackson had people qualities which help the citizens of the U.S to be involved with the government. This is probably why Jackson called himself The elected representative of all American people. President Jackson was a great man and will always be great to what he did to shape the UnitedShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The American Lion By Andrew Jackson1295 Words   |  6 PagesAndrew Cabrera Professor Rutledge POL 406 - Analytical Book Report 1 25 September 2017 In the American Lion, Jon Meacham addresses an exciting story of a president who brought change within the United States and did an overhaul of the American presidency. At the heart of the book are Andrew Jackson and his small circle of friends or acquaintances . Essentially, the book is about a man who rose from nothing to establish the modern presidency. 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